Sou Liichtmëss Du en Ënnerscheed – be the light of change! | A walk of exchange | 02.02.21 | 17h00

Be the change you want to see in the world. Following Gandhi’s motto, you can join us on the Luxembourgish “Liichtmëssdag” to carry the light of change.

On February 2nd 2021 the group “Zesumme fir d’Agenda 2030” organises an exchange walk in Luxembourg-City. At several stops on the way, participants can learn and discuss about different aspects of societal and personal change. COVID-19 showed us that fast and profound changes are possible. How and where can we as individual Actors of Change, contribute to this change?

Starting at 5 pm, you can experience the Luxembourgish tradition of “liichten goen” with a lantern. This will take you approx. 1 hour. Cast light on your role as an Actor of Change and become a part of the transformation!

It is mandatory to wear a mask during the event, whenever the 2m distance rule cannot be respected. Due to the weather conditions and/ or the COVID-19 situation, short-term changes or a switch to an online event may be possible. All information about the event will be communicated to you via mail or can be seen here or on our Facebook page (

If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Donckel: .

We are looking forward to interesting exchanges and your creative input to a changing world!

Date: Tuesday, 02.02.21 |17h00

Admission: Admission is free of charge, but please register until 29.01 via (limited places).

Duration: +/- 1 hour, start between 5 pm and 6 pm –> Registration

Location: City of Luxembourg. Details to be confirmed online and via mail.

Language: Luxembourgish, German, French, English