

So far, 2020 has been a special year in many ways. The Transition Days are about proposing another future, and the crisis we are currently experiencing only reminds us how necessary that other future is. How can we move towards a resilient, just and responsible society? This is the theme that will be developed throughout Transition Days 2020-21, through the metaphor of the house: 9 months, 9 rooms in the house, 9 thematic families to invent new ways of being and thinking.


9 conferences – both face-to-face and virtual -, 9 public events, 9 artistic video installation and performances, articles (to go further), workshops and 36 challenges (1 challenge per week) to facilitate the ecological transition for everyone. Have a look at all topics and the programme by month.



Living Room
The Transition Days Festival is taking place again this June 2021!
What is Transition Days?
Every two years, the Transition Days aim to highlight a certain theme or question proposed by local groups of the Transition Movement. Together with different associations, groups, expert speakers and the public, the Transition Days create a festival in order to crowd-source solutions and to support each other with the purpose to envision a sustainable future together.
Social, economical as well as ecological projects, ideas and initiatives are presented, workshops and open spaces give the possibility to initiate new projects or to discuss existing ones. The Transition Days hope to give the possibility within three days for every interested person to inform themselves, discuss, learn, create and (be) inspire(d) – whether they’re already a member of the Transition Movement or interested in the topic.
The Transition Movement was initiated in 2005, if you’d like to learn more about it, make sure to have a look at the Transition Network website. If you’re looking for Luxembourgish Transition Groups, CELL (Centre for Ecological Learning Luxembourg) is the association that carries the Transition Movement in Luxembourg.