À nos choix !
Every day, in all areas of life (work, consumption, love, commitment, sharing of wealth, climate), we make choices. What do they say about us? And if we want to stop further disrupting the climate and achieve real social justice, what choices will we be able to make?
Will we dare to bring meaning to the collapse of our society? We invite you to think about it… and to laugh about it… in song! A gesticulated conference?
The gesticulated conference is a style of performance, and above all a tool for continuing education. At the crossroads between theatre and academic lectures, the essential property of the gesticulated object is that it blends in a narrative form the experience of the lecturers (“hot knowledge”) and the elements of theory (“cold knowledge”). The gesticulated lecture is a performance, of course, but it finds its full meaning when it is followed by a workshop of reflection and/or action aimed at deepening the problematic in the company of spectators who wish to do so.
Langue: Français
🕗 Duration: +/- 1h30min
💰 Participation on a “give what you like” basis