Challenge № 4 March | « Brighten up your neighbourhood »
Since the beginning of the month, we’ve been suggesting that you abandon the car for more gentle and/or shared mobility. Our aim has not escaped you: to encourage you to discover your neighbourhood, even if it means getting a bit lost sometimes. What did you discover? A bit of sad grass, a little corner to read, a passage that lacks flowers, a wall that is sad in its whiteness?
Today, we propose that you take a step forward in your relations with your neighbours. Social distance does not prevent us from doing things together! So write a small invitation card to put in your neighbours’ mailboxes and meet them in a park, on a square or even on a Facebook group… to organise a development in your neighbourhood. You’ve been going through it all month (and if you haven’t yet, put on your shoes and go see what it looks like), you know what’s missing and what you want to see: a give box? You can build it with that neighbour who knows a thing or two about carpentry, paint it with the kids across the street, and manage it with the kids in a nearby flat. A neighbourhood notice board? You can contact the town hall to put it up in a nice or sheltered spot, or talk to the owners of a house that has a wall well situated for it. Your design can be as big as a new shared garden, as small as a bench or as pretty as a flower bed.