Challenge № 4 December

Challenge № 4 December | « Digital Detox »

Does the impact of digital technology mean anything to you? Statistics have been coming out one after the other for a few years now and they are quite chilling. + +

The ecological impact: for example, you can click on this link which gives an estimate of the CO2 emission of Google alone, in real time:

The computer servers that store our data consume an enormous amount of resources. To act on an individual scale, there are a number of options: 

  • Empty your mailboxes (also and especially the spam box). Tools such as Cleanfox ( can help you do this. Don’t forget to maintain this by systematically unsubscribing from any newsletter you don’t read.

An impact on our mental health

Social networks are increasingly being questioned for their impact on our mental health, concentration and productivity. The Dopamine series is essential for understanding this problem ( To be widely distributed!

This week’s challenge is to sort through the digital world around us. 

Empty your mailbox, sort your contacts, your Facebook groups, your instagram subscriptions… 

Keep what’s good for you, what educates you, what’s useful to you, and remove anything that takes up space for nothing, whether it’s on the servers, in your head or in your cupboards… that old smartphone you don’t use anymore will be much more useful at Digital inclusion, that Facebook group that pollutes your feed with posts you’re not interested in can be quit (if you’re ready, you can quit Facebook altogether!).